What have I done so far:

read a number of Chinese academic articles, reports and newspaper articles about TLCP

spent time investigating TLCP websites and courses

conducted interviews at northern top-level institution with three professors, and the person responsible for coordinating all TLCP production

conducted interviews at XXX second-tier normal university, three professors, a person responsible for TLCP in XXX province, and the Dean of academics (jiaowuchu chuzhang) 

also interviewed a person who is on the national ministry of education committee for setting TLCP directions - 

large number of informal conversations with researchers and graduate students researching JPCK and OER in China and internationally

given a number of presentations about my research and theories in China and internationally

informal conversations with people involved with CORE (China Open Resources for Education) from Hewlett, MIT, etc.

informal conversation with head of TLCP resource website, directly under Ministry of Education